The first , one and only "Global Peaceful Political Body" that doesn't lie, and speaks only about the Truth!!!
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©TheWorldSpeaking / TheWS. All rights reserved. 2016
TheWorldSpeaking and TheWS logo are copyrighted and copy markings utilized in the name of the Association, NGO: ¨TheWorldSpeaking NGO Pacifistic Political Union, Swiss Association¨. Terms like “TheWS,” “"Global Peaceful Political Body", and sentences used like, “The first , one and only "Global Peaceful Political Body" that doesn't lie, and speaks only about the Truth!!!” as well as “The treasury of our planet, the richest assets of the planet are ''the people'' we: https://www.theworldspeaking.com/ unite together and invite to change the world together! or like: Economic growth, Fair Trades, Social Equity, Environmental Friendliness can only be accomplished without racism; The treasury of our planet, the richest assets of the planet is ''the people' ' and we: TheWorldSpeaking unite together and invite to change the world together! Or; “TheWorldSpeaking, let's unite together, Your Voice matters, speak up and protect your speech to change the world together!” are sentences used for the behalf and benefit of our NGO. All our members, individuals and organizations, signed up for whom these terms may refer and be shared are common vision work, including, but not limited to: TheWorldSpeaking NGO, TheWS, and the under umbrella other Unions: the mining union, the geologist union, the lawyers union, and other unions formed under TheWS / TheWorldSpeaking NGO, and each of them engaging only in activities that are in compliance and regulated with the TheWorldSpeaking NGO's nonprofit status, its philosophic in house ideologies and policies under code of conduct respectively. Terms and sentences like: The first , one and only "Global Peaceful Political Body" that doesn't lie, and speaks only about the Truth, and or, TheWorldSpeaking is a global pacifistic political Independent union, including with sub-unions to improve the voting with polling of human rights laws and maintain of free speech and free choices about their lives are protected by the political platform with an password protection and 3 layers identification enabling all members to profit from all the good cause in house economy growths whilst being focused on doing humanitarian projects investments in Africa, and elsewhere globally.